November 27, 2022
By Deacon Nancy Ackerman
Advent greetings and blessings.
I always look forward to the season of Advent. It’s a time of hope and reflection as we await the light of Jesus Christ to shine. Each week, as we light a candle on the Advent wreath, we’re reminded that we’re called to bring God’s light to our broken world.
CLH is that ray of light for thousands of people in need of permanent homes. Your generosity has allowed us to fund homes for former foster youth, seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and others in need. Our support also strengthens foster youth, seniors, and congregations through transformational programming collaboratives. Together, we impact thousands of people in California.
Your generous donations this year have helped us to:
- Renovate a house that we rent to the Biddy Mason Charitable Foundation for $10 a month. This house gives the foundation professional office space, a place for teens in foster care to gather, and housing for several young women.
- Rent an apartment building to OC United for $10 a month so young women (and their children) aging out of the foster care system can have a safe place to transition.
- Sponsor Living the Resurrection, a congregational vitality program that has helped more than 30 churches plan for sustainability and their future.
- Provide senior housing in Santa Barbara County.
- Grant funds for charitable care support to seniors who have outlived their assets.
As you can see, CLH shines a light for many whose world would be dark without us. I hope we can count on you again this year to support our work. As you think about your year-end holiday donations, please consider CLH. Your gift is tax-deductible.
If you’d like to make a larger gift, or discuss programs like a charitable gift annuity, I can meet with you to discuss how a donation can benefit both of us. Please contact me at, or call 818-434-4264.
May the peace and joy of Christmas fill your hearts and homes, and may the New Year bring you health and happiness.