
Deacon Nancy Ackerman, president and CEO, works with former President Bill Jennings, who oversees special projects. 

Deacon Nancy Ackerman

President and CEO

Nancy is a deacon (lay minister), of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Southwest California Synod, and a certified a fundraising executive. She was named president and CEO in 2021, after serving on the CLH board since 2019. Nancy was an assistant to the Lutheran bishop of the Southwest California Synod, ELCA, where she oversaw all corporate operations, including fiduciary stewardship, ethical practice, financial management, fund development, governance, board development, policy administration, personnel management, strategic planning and execution, property management, and legal matters. She also has been a vice president at Netzel Grigsby Associates (NGA), California-based fundraising consultants serving the western United States. She is a member of FirstServe Community Services, and president-elect of the Greater San Fernando Valley Chapter, Association of Fundraising Professionals. She has also served with the North Central Pennsylvania Dialysis Center; Hillsides; the Lutheran Credit Union of America; Lutheran Planned Giving Partnership of Southern California and Hawaii; and Emmanuel Lutheran Church, North Hollywood. She was Volunteer of the Year for the Families with Children Campaign for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. The Pennsylvania natives holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership from The Pennsylvania State University, and a certificate in fundraising from the UCLA Extension.

Bill Jennings

Director of Special Projects

Bill has served CLH for more than 25 years in various leadership positions, including financial officer, chief executive office, and board member. His accomplishments include key roles in the growth of CLH’s social ministry efforts, and fostering collaborative legacy efforts with Lutheran churches through land donations. After stepping down as CEO, Bill agreed to continue his work with CLH, lending his development/redevelopment expertise to affordable housing projects and legacy collaborations. Bill holds a master’s degree in business administration from UCLA, and is a certified public accountant.